Messages by Christian Teachers
Great Messages by Teachers:

Church NB want to provide some special interesting links for assisting you in your search for the truth.

Jesus said "I am the TRUTH" 

Use this page to link to some of the best speakers to encourage and challenge your Christian walk with Jesus.

List of links by Teachers

Go and Make Disciples

Andy Stanley - Pastor & teacher

Caesar Kalinowski

Charles Stanley -Pastor & teacher

Chuck Swindoll - Pastor & teacher

David Platt - Pastor & teacher

Francis Chan - Servant of God & evangelist

JB Hixson - Grace

Jamaican Friends

James MacDonald - Pastor & teacher

Jeff Vanderstelt

John MacArthur - Pastor & teacher

John Piper - Pastor & teacher

Kent Hovind - Exposes the lie of evolution

Kids Page - Links to action, songs & stories

Kirk Cameron - Actor & evangelist

Mark Driscoll - Pastor & teacher

Micheal Pearl - Answers questions

Muslims - Messages for

Nick Vujicic - Victorious servant of God

Ravi Zacharias - Answers questions

Steven L Anderson - Pastor, Evangelist

Thomas M. Cucuzza - Understand Repent

Todd White - Man blessing with God's Love

Wild Bill for America

Please note I have tried to insert some gifted Christian who are being used of God. I have inserted those I believe could assist you in your walk with Jesus and/or help you come to the cross.

I am aware there are false prophets around and Paul warns time and time again to be alert for false prophets. We as Christian will never agree 100%  so use this page as a tool for your Christian walk. If one of ther above you do not like because of ???????? then select one that can help you in your journey with Jesus.

Please note reading your Bible is the most important tool for your walk with Jesus and to get to know HIM. Speakers are to stimulate you to read more and gain some insight to some truth/error you may not be aware of.   

This page was last updated: October 9, 2014