Kid's Page
Kids Page: - Songs & Stories

This page is to help parents find good songs and  stories for kids and action songs for exercise for kids as well.

Some actions may not have a bible story to it but it is meant as an exercise as well as to stimulate some christian individual with singning talent to put words to action that kids love to do. Use your gifts to bless the Lord and kids. 

Please note these links are suggestions and should be evaluated by you the parents for your child.

This page should help you get started in searching for material that is appropriate for your children.

This page is to get you started.


I Can Do It by Patty Shukla (Children's Action Song)

Twist - Right and Left, action song for children by Patty Shukla

Jesus Is My Superhero with Lyrics

Kid's Prayer - Dear God, Thank you for Loving Me


Children's Song "God is So Good" (English)

God Rocks! Children of God - 1 John 3:1

God Rocks! Five Sparrows - Luke 12:6, 7


Read Your Bible Pray Every Day

Shine Jesus Shine (worship video w/ lyrics)

Our God is an Awesome God! - 2mins

Our God is an Awesome God - original version - 2mins

Awesome God (He Reigns) - By Kirk Franklin - By Promise Treasures - teens - 5mins


The Greatest Adventure - Stories From The Bible - Samson - 22mins

Beginners Bible For Children Jesus Christ's Life Story  - 119mins

The Story Of Adam And Eve ( Christian Animated Cartoon Movie) - 24mins

Adam and Eve - 5mins

The First Seven Days of Creation - 8mins

God's Creation according to Genesis  - 4mins

God of Wonders: Scientists prove Almighty God's existence through Science - 84mins

The Bible's Buried Secrets The Garden of Eden - 58mins


Hillsong Kids - God You Make Me Smile  - 3mins

King of the Jungle - Great Worship Songs for Kids  - 2mins

Fruit of the Spirit  - 2mins

Beginners Bible For Kids The Nativity  - 26mins

Bible Stories For Children - New Testament: The Baptism of Jesus  - 24mins

The Jesus Movie - 80mins

Bible Stories For Children - Old Testament: Samson and the Philistines  - 22mins


Veggietales Jonah - 82mins

This page was last updated: September 6, 2013